Coaching? Me?

When I first heard about coaching some years ago, I thought it was mostly a feel good service for people who already had a trainer, a nutritionist, a therapist and a nanny. Not a profession I personally found compelling.

Wow, was I wrong.

The more I’ve gotten into coaching the more I realize it’s in fact a highly skilled art form, so different from the kind of expertise I had developed while running nonprofit organizations. Over the past 25+ years, I learned to be the ‘go to’ person and problem-solver. I could come up with 3 strategies and 5 recommendations in response to almost any situation. Those abilities served me well and continue to in certain forums.

But coaching allows me to foreground skills equally important to me and perhaps even more critical in today’s distracted world. These include intuitive listening, deep inquiry, and collaborating with clients to expand their capacity to source their own creative solutions. Using these tools, I’m no longer the one presumed to have the answers. Instead, I’m partnering with my clients to support them as they navigate a much deeper transformation. I call on my clients’ courage, authenticity and dedication so they can make the internal shifts they want to act more fully aligned with their own values and goals. In short, I’ve come to realize that coaching is not just a feel good exercise, but has the power to truly accelerate personal growth and social change more broadly.

This is why I’m so excited to dive into professional leadership coaching at this juncture in my career. I want to serve other nonprofit leaders in ways I would have benefitted from years ago. It doesn’t matter if you’re in a grassroots organization with 2 paid staff, a national foundation with 20 staff or an international NGO with 500+, Cedar Wise can support you in becoming even more of who you already are — rooted, inspired, innovative and wise. 

Contact me today to set up a free consult. You’re worth it! And the world needs you at your best!

— Elise Miller, December 3, 2021


Why Cedar Wise?