
What my coaching clients are saying …


“During my coaching sessions with Elise, I’ve come to a number of “aha” moments that have been so valuable in recognizing the ways I get stuck in old patterns that don’t serve me professionally or personally. Elise has a gentle way of asking questions and being curious that leads to self discovery and uncovering what lies underneath some of the beliefs and behaviors that keep us from functioning at our best. I know I am a more effective Executive Director and better able to prevent burnout because of my work with Elise.”

— Celisa Hopkins, Executive Director, Cowiche Canyon Conservancy, 2022

"Elise helped me notice and attend to my own intuition about what the world is calling for from my organization, and from me, in this time. Elise supported me to ask myself some questions I'd shied away from, to hear my own inner wisdom, and to act on the potential I discovered underneath my restless longings. After my first coaching session, I had some major breakthroughs with team members, and I am more excited about what's unfolding in my professional life now than I've been at any time during the COVID disruption."

— Marnie Jackson, Co-Director, The Whidbey Institute, 2021

As an ED of a small non-profit, it was so beneficial to talk to Elise about leadership issues. She knew nothing about my organization, but after probing questions, she helped shape the discussion and allowed me to have "lightbulb" moments. The care she took in listening and asking pertinent questions provided valuable insight that I desperately needed. Very thankful I worked with her!

— Kate Lindsay, Executive Director, Summerbridge Louisville, 2021

“A conversation with Elise means really being heard. In our work together, she reflected my concerns and asked provocative questions that interrupted my know-it-all busy mind. I saw something new and helpful in our first call, and it really shifted me out of a pattern that had me stuck. She is a skilled and caring listener who brings her gifts freely.”

— Victoria Castle, Artist, 2021