To Shift Is a Gift

Always leave room in your heart for the unimaginable.

— Mary Oliver

One of the best-known characters in Western literature, Ebenezer Scrooge, experiences a major shift in consciousness in Charles Dickens’ novel, A Christmas Carol. Scrooge is visited in the night by three spirits who ask him powerful questions about his life. By morning, Scrooge has transformed from a miserly curmudgeon to a generous, warm-hearted man. Clearly he got some excellent coaching!

Evoking a shift in consciousness is indeed a critical part of the coaching partnership. After you root yourself in your deepest sense of purpose and inquire into what’s driving your actions and reactions, you can awaken to ways of being that are more generative, effective and gratifying. A shift of this kind occurs internally and transforms how you relate to whatever you’re facing. In fact it’s not necessary for any external circumstances to have changed. Only your relationship to what’s happening.

Sometimes a shift happens spontaneously. A realization suddenly appears and resonates with every part of you. Other times a shift takes consistent attention and intention. You need to come back to an insight you’ve gained again and again, pausing and probing many more times, until you can fully embrace it. Either way it’s a gift.

Take a moment now and think of a time when you’ve experienced a significant shift – when you went from feeling like you were standing in an endless quagmire to seeing a place you could step out on firm ground. What helped you see the shore? 

Now imagine yourself in a Cedar Wise coaching partnership, shifting into your most inspired self. What was once unimaginable energizes your path forward. Gift yourself with a free “discovery session” today so we can explore together what a shift in your life could mean!

P.S. For those of you who have been reading my blogs, you’ll know that “Shift” the “S” in the coaching process I call RISE – Root, Inquire, Shift and Embody.  Please keep an eye out for my next blog describing the final phase — “Embody.”  

— written by Elise Miller and published January 22, 2022


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